Hanuman Gayatri Mantra - Embracing Clarity, Confidence, and Willpower in Challenging Times
If you ask an adult, are you good enough?
Your question will push them into a deep corner of
thought and there'll probably be no immediate
answer. But ask the same question to
a kid, are you good enough? And the
answer will be, "Am I good enough at
what". now this may seem like an
innocent answer. It may even seem like the question
is being misunderstood but there is something
really profound to be discovered here.
Let's explore that in today's episode before I
introduce you to a beautiful mantra. Namaste
once again dear listener. I hope you're doing well. Welcome
back to the Mahakatha meditation mantras
podcast. I'm your host Preeti and today
we're talking about the question, are you good enough?
The adult understands the question differently
than the child, right? The adult hears, are
you good enough? And instantly thinks whether
he or she is good enough or deserving enough
for all the good things in life. Are they good enough to
have a happy relationship? Are they good enough to have
a successful career? Are they good enough to live a happy
and fulfilling life and the
answer varies. On some days it might
be, "Yes, of course, I'm good enough. I'm
deserving. I'm good enough. I'm worthy". But there will be
days when you might not be so quick to answer that question. There
will be days when you will feel the heaviness of doubt.
You will start doubting whether you will ever move
forward from the place that you feel stuck in right now.
You'll start doubting whether your
efforts will bear any fruit, whether you will move forward
and overcome the struggles that you've been going through
recently. There will be days where
you won't be able to answer the question are you good enough
but that's not the case for the child, is it?
When the child hears are you good
enough, the child immediately thinks of
skill, of ability. Am
I good enough at sport, Studies,
playing the piano, reciting poetry,
taking care of my younger sibling. What is it?
Am I good enough at What?
It's almost as if they don't hear
the enough part and I love
that because the enough part is very
vague anyway. It doesn't have any
Defined meaning anyway. So
the child associates being good enough
with skill or talent or ability
but the adult immediately questions
his own self worth.
Now I know there are a lot of things that we can
learn from children but I think this is one of the most
important things among them.
If every time we are met with obstacles or
difficulties or challenges on our path, if we
can stop making it about our self-worth
and instead associate it with our skill or
talent or ability then we can truly
Move past the obstacle and overcome
the challenge. Because if we can look at an
obstacle or a challenge and go What is
it that I need to learn? What ability?
What skill can I gain so that I can overcome
this challenge? We regain our
eagerness, our willingness, our strength, our courage
to move past anything that
lies ahead of us. If we ask ourselves what
can I do to improve this situation instead
of doubting whether we deserve success
in the 1st place? We can truly move
beyond the obstacle. And speaking
of skill and ability and courage, today I
want to bring to you a mantra that I would love for you to include
in your daily routine or your
daily preparation for the day ahead and
that mantra is the Hanuman Gayatri
mantra. Now, Gayatri mantras
are known to be powerhouses of
positive energy and they've been traditionally practiced to
remove any sense of inner conflict and
to establish a sense of harmony and peace
within oneself and the hanuman
gayatri mantra adds on to the blessing
of the gayatri mantra because the mantra focuses on
clarity, on confidence, on strengthening
your Willpower and removing any
ounce of self-doubt that might hold you back.
This is the mantra that will support
your internal question of what
skill can I acquire? What ability do
I need to build to overcome my current
challenges. That's what makes this a powerful
mantra to listen to especially if you're going
through challenging times in any aspect of your life
personal, professional, it doesn't matter. So
my dear listener, if you do not already have the
Hanuman Gayatri mantra, please go ahead and avail this
mantra right now using the code in the description and
the next time you find yourself battling thoughts
of not being worthy, not being good enough, not being
deserving, quietly take a breath
and listen to this mantra and allow
the answers and the willpower and
the courage to come to your mind.
I really hope you give this mantra a try and if you
do, please share your experience with us on the
YouTube thread of this mantra. I would love to hear how
this mantra has affected you. With that,
we come to the close of this episode. Thank you so much
for tuning in today and I hope this new perspective
on The question of being good enough has brought you
some clarity and some relief. I want you
to believe in yourself and in the fact that
wonderful things are about to happen for you.
On that note, dear listener, this
is me, Preeti, signing off promising to be back next
week with another episode and mantra. Until
then, stay