Karagre Vasate Lakshmi - Ancient India Mantra for blessings and success, Karadarshanam Practice and more
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On this episode of Mahakatha, we explore the benefits of unplugging and decluttering the mind to achieve our desired outcomes. Our guest shares the ancient practice of Karadarshanam, which involves meditating while looking into your palms. We delve into the details of the practice, including the Karadarshanam mantra and the benefits of studying your palms in great detail. Additionally, we discuss the negative effects of constantly checking our phones and suggest focusing on what's underneath them instead. Lastly, we learn about a powerful mantra called Karagre Vasate Lakshmi and listen to two testimonials from listeners who have experienced blessings and success while practicing it. Tune in to learn more about these ancient practices and how they can help you stay grounded and focused in today's distraction-filled world.
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On this episode of Mahakatha, we explore the benefits of unplugging and decluttering the mind to achieve our desired outcomes. Our guest shares the ancient practice of Karadarshanam, which involves meditating while looking into your palms. We delve into the details of the practice, including the Karadarshanam mantra and the benefits of studying your palms in great detail. Additionally, we discuss the negative effects of constantly checking our phones and suggest focusing on what's underneath them instead. Lastly, we learn about a powerful mantra called Karagre Vasate Lakshmi and listen to two testimonials from listeners who have experienced blessings and success while practicing it. Tune in to learn more about these ancient practices and how they can help you stay grounded and focused in today's distraction-filled world.