Neela Saraswati Mantra- Ancient mantra for Detatchment and finding Wisdom and Clarity

Have you ever felt like this

right after meeting friends or a family

gathering? Or perhaps after a meeting, oh, I wish I'd

said this, or I'd use these words,

or maybe after a breakup or a rift in a relationship, have you

ever had a sudden moment of clarity and you think

to yourself, oh, I wish, I wish I would have thought of

this back then. This would have saved so much of heartbreak

and so much of pain. Where does that

clarity come from? Why is it so late?

And what can we do about it? That's what we're going to

talk about in today's episode.

Namaste and welcome to yet another episode of

Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras. I'm your host, Preeti,

and today we're going to talk about a very heavy

word. And that word is wisdom.

Wisdom. We've all heard this word. We probably associate

it with the faces of older people

and religious books, meditation,

spirituality, gurus, teachers,

and so many different sources in our lives.

We don't completely understand what it is, but

it seems like a goal. And we're all trying to get

there without really knowing what is in store for us

at that so called destination. But today, I'm here to

introduce a simple understanding of what

wisdom perhaps is. That

delayed inspiration or that delayed moment

of clarity. Whether it is about something you could

have said to a friend or about a major life

decision that you could have made in a

certain way that could have completely changed the course of your

life. There are plenty of those moments

of clarity and those moments of wisdom in our lives.

Now, the question is, why does it always seem

to come in retrospect? Why does

this clarity or this wisdom

seem to come to us only after the event

has passed? Think about it. When

you are in the middle of that life event or

that relationship, there are so many things going on around

you, so many things going on inside your mind. You are

absorbing and expressing at the same time that

that whole cycle of absorbing and

expressing keeps your mind completely

occupied. But once you're out of

that event, once you are

detached from that event, once that event has gone

by, you finally take a

breather and your mind has enough

room now that all the absorbing and

the expressing is over.

And only and only when there is such detachment

and there is this room created in your mind,

does that moment of clarity or that moment of

wisdom come. Wisdom

only ever comes from a sense of detachment.

In other words, if you are in the middle of a

problem, if you are participating in the problem,

and if you are too busy trying to fix the

problem, your mind is completely

occupied in the cycle of it all. And

if you can find a way to detach

yourself from this cycle, step

back and become an observer of the

situation rather than a participant

in that situation for just a while,

you make enough room for that moment of clarity

and that moment of wisdom to show

up. And it always shows up

with the most unexpected answer, the most

simple answer to whatever the problem

is. That moment of clarity

opens our eyes to something

we would have never otherwise seen. And

once we receive that wisdom and clarity, we can

slowly work ourselves back to the current

situation, to the problem at hand,

and say those things that we would have otherwise

regretted not saying. Do those things in real

time instead of looking back and wishing that we did those

things at that particular moment. To

avoid regret with regard to the past,

it is always best when you are in a troubled

situation to take a moment to detach

yourself, make room for wisdom and

come back stronger with it. Because

that wisdom that will shine through your words and your

deeds in the most challenging of all

situations will be your biggest

strength, your biggest weapon.

Mama Prajña. Mama

Balam. Mama


Mama Balam.

Meaning my wisdom is my

strength. Now, I

know it sounds a bit idealistic to suddenly

detach from the situation and make room for that moment of

clarity. Detachment in general is

very unfamiliar to a lot of us

in regard to a lot of things.

There's no switch you can flip to suddenly feel

detached from the things that you've held onto for

so long. However, there

might not be a switch you can flip, but there

is something you can do every single day

to become more and more familiar, to become

less and less afraid of that feeling of

detachment. That is the

path that we really are on. And

one of the ways you can do that is the practice of

mantra meditation.

Mantra meditation is so easy on the

ears and so light on the heart and the mind

that you will automatically surrender to the sounds

of the mantra. You will surrender to that sense of

calmness, that sense of pause, that sense

of inner peace that you feel washing over you

when you relax and listen to a

mantra. And subconsciously,

as you surrender your attention to a mantra,

you are making room. You are stepping away

from that vicious cycle of action and reaction

and you are making room for

many moments of clarity and moments of

inspiration and moments of wisdom to show

up to you. And if wisdom

and clarity feel like a strong intention and feel

like they are personal, personally desirable

to you, then one of the best

mantras you can start with is the

Neela Saraswati mantra.

This mantra invokes the Goddess of

Wisdom as imagined and revered in

Hindu mythology, the Goddess of

Wisdom is said to reside in the middle of your

palms, and she is said to bestow

intelligence, understanding,

clarity and wisdom to all

who seek it with an eager heart and mind.

So if you ever feel pressured or stressed

in a particular situation. If you find yourself scrambling to find a

solution, whether it is cramming for your exams

or a conflict at work or at home,

try to build a small little practice

in your life where you step back and take

a few moments to experience that new

feeling of detachment. And if you are

one of our listeners who doesn't have the Neela

Saraswati Mantra to practice with, I'm here today with

a special 30% discount on the mantra that you can avail

with the help of the discount code mentioned in the description of this

episode. Go ahead and gift yourself this

mantra and if you are a person who tends to be very action

oriented, very easily stressed, then

this mantra should definitely be on your

playlist. Several of our listeners

have benefited from this mantra and I'm just going to read you

two of the best comments that I found on the YouTube

thread for this mantra. The first one

says I have no words to describe the soothing

music. It's beyond happiness, it's beyond

human knowledge. I feel like the

Goddess Saraswati herself is trying to teach us.

Such beautiful, divine words. The

second one says I am an aspiring actor. I want

to succeed in this field and learn, grow and experience

more. I listen to this every day and it calms me

down from all the pressure I have. Thank you for

introducing this stotra to me. Wonderful,


Thank you so much dear listeners, for letting

us know that this mantra is really connecting with you

and helping you on your journey towards growth. Thank

you dear commenters, dear listeners, for all your love and support.

Thank you especially to the listeners of this podcast

for always coming back for the newer episodes

and new mantra introductions. I hope you're really enjoying

this show. I thoroughly am enjoying each and every

message, each and every mantra that I'm bringing out to you.

And you know that I will be back soon with a brand new

one. So until then, keep chanting,

keep meditating and stay blessed.

Neela Saraswati Mantra- Ancient mantra for Detatchment and finding Wisdom and Clarity
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