Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra - An Ancient Buddha Chant for a worry free mind
Hi there and welcome to a brand
new episode of the Mantras
Meditation podcast by Mahakata.
I've got a question for you.
What is six times seven and why
do we remember it? What about 25
times 25? Now I know you're
wondering why I'm spewing these
mathematical questions for you
when you've come here expecting
to gain some insights into
meditation and mantras and
spiritual things like that. But
I promise you this question is
really, really important.
Welcome to the podcast. I'm your
host, Prithi. I'm the voice
behind Mahakata meditation
Mantras, one of the most loved
sources for mantras and ancient
wisdom. And today I bring you an
episode where I talk about
something that's a little
Let me paint you a picture. You
are back in your school, in your
classroom. You are in about the
second grade or third grade and
you're sitting right there in
the third or fourth row in your
class and there are a bunch of
noisy kids trying to whisper
amongst themselves and laugh
among themselves while you are
trying to focus on your
notebook, trying to copy
something that's written for you
on the board and that your
teacher is about to explain to
you. And as you sit there and as
you look to the board, you see
she's written six times seven
equals 42. Six times seven
equals 42. And the next thing
she asks you to do is what? She
asks you to read it out loud and
then she asks the entire class
to repeat after her, six times
seven is 42. And so the whole
class through, throughout the
whole class, there's this roar
of kids voices repeating this
table in a sing song manner. Six
times seven is 42.
Six times seven is 42. At that
time it seems so boring and so
silly and you would much rather
participate in those whispers
and giggles going on in class.
But that thing, that exercise
right there, that sing song
repetition of this one table did
something, it served a very,
very important purpose. And that
purpose is the reason you
remember what six times seven is
today. I could wake you up from
your sleep and you could still
answer, six times seven is 42.
Right? That's the magic of it.
Even though at that point in
time you had no idea how on
earth this piece of information
is going to be useful to you in
life today. You've used it
countless number of times,
consciously, subconsciously, and
you still remember it.
That's the reason I asked you
the question, because today I'm
going to talk about that
powerful thing that happened in
class and honestly, I believe we
need more of that in our lives
today. And that simple thing, my
dear friends, is repetition. Now
I know if you've been a listener
of Mahakata, if you've listened
to mantras, I know that you are
familiar with the concept of
repetition in that once you
start listening to a mantra, you
listen to it in a loop, it keeps
playing time and time again,
right? And you try and meditate
to that sound. Why is that
effective? Why does that work?
Why did ancient scholars and
sages and the great philosophers
who came up with mantras and
passed down mantras to their
disciples, why did they advise
us to chant these mantras in
repetitions of three or seven or
nine or 21, all the way up to
1008? Why? The reason for this
wisdom is borrowed from nature.
Let me explain. When you look
around and you look at the sun
and you look at the day and you
look at the night, and a couple
of hours later you look at the
day again and then you're
looking at the night again, you
see how day and night are
repeating itself. Similarly, for
a few months in the year it'll
be terribly hot and you'll try
and look for your sunglasses and
ditch all your warm clothes and
try to take a vacation to a
tropical place. And then for the
next few months it's going to
pour and you're going to wonder
where the umbrellas are.
And then months later it's going
to be winter. It's going to be
time to pull out the warm
clothes again and enjoy the
snow, enjoy the chilly weather,
meet your family, cozy up with
your family around a fireplace,
tell stories, spend warm nights
together. And then it's going to
be time to put away those warm
clothes again because summer is
going to come back, right? And
then the whole cycle is
repeating itself. That is also
repetition. You look around in
math, what's happening after you
go from zero to nine, after you
use up the digits from zero to
nine, what's happening? We going
back to the same digits again.
It's a repetition of the same
nine digits. It's a repetition
of a combination of the same
nine digits, right? There's
repetition in the pattern of
leaves, there's repetition in
the pattern of flowers, there's
repetition in the coming and
going of waves and tides.
There's repetition all around
And coming back to the first
simple example of the sun rising
and the sun setting. The
universe is functioning in
repetition for you. The universe
is functioning in repetition for
you. Time is functioning in
meditation for you. These are
all things that are running in
the background, aren't they?
They don't have our conscious
attention, they don't have a
conscious focus all the time,
but they are running and they
are so, so important to the way
we live our lives, right down to
our very own breath. Isn't that
the best example of how
repetition is at the very core
of our ability to survive?
Without repetition there is no
background. And without a
consistent background, without
things that function in order
with a certain discipline,
there's very little we can get
done in life. There's very
little we can achieve in this
And so in this episode, what I
really want to bring to you is
that, hey, stop there for a
second and realize that the
world around you, nature around
you, the cosmos around you is
functioning in repetition for
you. Use that to your advantage.
Let's use this bright and
shining example of consistency,
of discipline, of commitment,
and embrace it and bring it into
our own lives. Because don't you
see? It is natural to us? Being
consistent, forming habits,
having discipline, repeating,
following patterns are all
natural to us. It is our natural
state of being. We look for
certainty over chaos. We look
for balance over chaos. And that
is why mantras as an ancient
tool still work wonders in the
modern world.
Because when you sit down with a
mantra, whether you are chanting
it or whether you are meditation
with it, you are inevitably
bringing yourself into that
background that is all around
you. You are becoming one with
everything that is consistent
and calm and balanced around
you. And from that oneness that
you experience during mantra
meditation or mantra chanting,
your mind clears up. You gain
clarity, you gain inspiration.
You are able to overcome your
own inner barriers. You're able
to let go of the past. You're
able to build things and create
things that you wish for
yourself. That is how mantra
meditation as a habit begins to
transform your life.
And on that note, in today's
episode, I'm bringing you a
mantra that is very easy to
repeat. It's one of the simplest
mantras listeners especially
loved because of how simple it
is to chant and practice this
mantras. So going with today's
theme, I'm bringing you the
ancient, wise enlightening
Buddhist chant, Om Manipadmiham.
Now, Om manipadmiham is just a
single line of a chant that was
created centuries ago by a wise
soul who could see and
appreciate the patterns of
repetition and consistency. And
that soul could understand that
having a higher consciousness
probably meant being one with
all that is divine and
repetitive and consistent around
us, being one with those
elements of nature that never
stop, that was understood as
enlightenment and higher
consciousness. And so today, I
bring you that mantra Om manipad
Meham. It's incredibly easy to
chant along, and I'm going to
chant it for you three times
now, all right? Slowly. And you
can feel free to chant with me
or after me as well.
All right? So here's what we're
going to do. We're going to take
three deep breaths first, all
right? I'm going to guide you
through that and then we're
going to chant Om manipad meham.
Real nice and easy, okay? So
first three deep breaths, deep
breath in. Nice and easy. Deep
breath out and repeat. Deep
breath in and all the way out.
And repeat again. Deep breath
all the way in and deep breath
Wonderful. Now try and chant
along or simply listen as I
chant this beautiful mantra for
you. All right? Omar nipadmi ham
o my nipadmi hamipadmi ham. So
that is the ancient Buddhist
chant for you for the purpose of
a higher consciousness or simply
to take a break from constant
thinking overthinking trying to
fight fires in your life.
Whenever you need to take a
small little break and gather
yourself, use this mantras.
Recite it or listen to it. And
while you're doing that, become
aware that you are stepping into
the background with everything
that is divine and never ending
in the universe. All right, so
that is today's mantra.
And before I go, I wanted to
share with you one of the most
beautiful comments we've
received. And this beautiful
comment was left about a year
ago by one of our listeners on
the Omanipadmiham Mantra on
YouTube. The listener's name
shows up as Aurora Phoenix j
Aurora Phoenix j if you are
listening, thank you so much for
these beautiful words, this
beautiful expression of how this
mantra helps you, he or she
says, talking about work or
career or money, specifically
with this mantra, or with this
feeling of being one with the
universe, you will feel a pull
to it. It ignites the passion
and fire from within towards
your work or your career. You
can't explain it, you know it's
in your inner calling, and it
makes you truly, truly happy. I
think that's a perfect way of
expressing the ideal approach of
a worry free mind, of an open
mind towards money or career or
work. And this is a mindset that
you can get to once you have
formed, consistently formed the
habit of clearing your mind and
cleansing out all the negative
thoughts and resistance. And you
can do that by practicing
different forms of meditation,
one of which is mantra
So this is a wonderful way to
use the Om Manipad Meha Mantra,
or any mantra really, to improve
your life. And as you go chasing
your passion or your dream or
your career goals, do not forget
that you can always step back.
When it gets overwhelming, when
it gets too much to think about,
you can always step back, step
into the background and become
one with this huge never ending
force of the universe just by
spending a few minutes with a
mantra. All right, guys, that's
it for today's episode. I hope
you enjoyed it, I hope you'll
send me your comments, your
suggestions, your questions,
because I'm going to be back
very soon with the next episode
and by then I would love to
feature some of your queries or
your comments on the episodes.
So thank you so much for all the
love and support you've given
this podcast so far. It is
something new that we're trying,
and I'm absolutely in love with
being able to speak to you in
this way on this new platform. I
hope you are enjoying it too,
and I'm going to see you on the
next episode.
Until then, keep meditating,
keep chanting, and stay blessed.