Om Purnamadaha Mantra - Ancient Mantra for Letting go of Comparission and Embracing Contentment
We hear a lot that we shouldn't compare
someone who is on chapter ten of their lives
to the chapter one of our lives.
But I'm here to ask you if there
really is such a book at
all. This idea of success and
progress is what I'm here to talk with you about today.
And of course I'll be introducing a beautiful mantra
as well in the course of this episode. So hello and
welcome to yet another episode of the Mahakatha
Meditation Mantras podcast. I'm your host, Preeti,
and today we're talking about this
larger than life idea of success.
Now, I know that people mean well when they
say that you shouldn't compare somebody else's chapter ten
with your chapter one. What they mean to say is don't compare someone
who has reached a certain level of success
with where you are in comparison to that
level of success. Don't compare. But see,
that's the problem. As soon as you assign a value
and you say, oh, don't worry if you're not on chapter ten, you'll
get there. As soon as you say that you are
already establishing the grounds to feel
inadequate, to feel that you are not there yet, that you are not
successful, that you are only on
the way towards something. But the truth is, we're not always
just on the way towards something, on the way towards
success, on the way towards achieving something.
We are also present where
we are right now. Do you hear this? You're not
always on the way to somewhere, but you're
also present somewhere. At all times
in this phase of your life which may not be perfect,
you may have a lot of unfinished dreams and
ideas. You may be struggling in a couple of
aspects of your life. You may be on the
path towards realizing your dreams.
However, if you stop for a second and look
around, wherever you are in this phase of your life,
you will notice signs of
progress, signs of change,
signs of growth that have already taken place
and are still taking place right where you
are. Sure, you may have money problems or you
may have relationship issues, but right where you
are, you are constantly creating new
thoughts and new ideas to improve yourself.
You are constantly thinking,
creating with your thought. You are constantly
watering the fields of your mind and trying to
cultivate more discipline, more
wisdom, more confidence right
where you are. And perhaps even though other things
are failing at the moment, or not proceeding as you wish for them
to, your health, your body is supporting you, the
roof over your head is staying stable with
you, and the next meal always finds
itself in front of you just when you are
hungry. Those are all things to
be grateful for right where you are.
Those are things to realize and enjoy and
reap and relish right where you are.
It is important for you to see the success
that is taking place that is being achieved
even as you are here in this imperfect
place. I know this is probably
asking a lot, but if you can open your eyes to
these tiny but grand instances of
success taking place in the current
moment, whether it is the fact that you
are moderately healthy, whether it is the fact that
you have time for the people you love or you have
people who love you in your life, or the fact that there is a new
flower in your garden or the fact that you
have perfect vision or the ability
to think new ideas. Whether it is
any or all of these and more.
If you are able to see and
recognize and appreciate this
evidence of success, then you will stop
worrying about the so called chapter that you are
supposed to be on. If you start doing this, then the
distance between where you are right now and where you
want to be will stop bringing you down
so much because you realize that you are more
than just on the way to something. You are
here, aren't you? You are here and
there is success in you being here.
That is one of the most brilliant
transformative truths that you can realize about
yourself. And in order to help
you arrive at this realization and to
help you remove all the unwanted burden and
stress of getting somewhere in your
life, the best mantra I can think of
recommending for you is the Om
Puranamadha Mantras. This
chant captures the essence of today's
episode's message and it is a
wonderfully divine reminder that wherever
you are and however you are, there
is wholeness, there is success and
there is a perfection to it. So the next time
you feel overwhelmed about your goals or your
dreams and how far you really need to go to get
there and how things are feeling a little stuck where you
are, try listening to this
mantra. Try listening to the Om Purnamadaha Mantra
with the intention to remind yourself of
the success and the growth that is happening
at this moment in your life. This is one
of the chants I learned from my yoga teacher at my
yoga class years ago and it makes me
really happy that a lot of people across the
world have seen the value of the message of this
mantra and that this mantra still calms them when
they listen to it at moments when they're stressed. I'm
just going to read you two of the most beautiful comments that this
mantra has received on YouTube. One of them
says "I meditated using this mantra today. Felt
so light and yet uplifted felt the shift
from fear to faith". That is wonderfully
put feeling the shift from fear to
faith is something that you can expect when
you surrender to the Om Purnamadha Mantras.
Another comment says "I could see this
universe myself being in it when
I listen to this mantra". This is actually what makes
the Om Purnamadha Mantra perfect for
visualizations or yoga-nidras or deep relaxations.
Because the message of this mantra
is of expansion, is of
contentment, and it naturally allows
you to detach from your worries and pressures.
So I really hope that you give this mantra a try.
And as a listener of this podcast, you
can avail this mantra at the usual 30% discount
by using the discount code that you will find in the description of
this episode. Go ahead and try this mantra
and leave comments with your own experience
of meditating with this mantra. I would love to read
more about the effect of this mantra on the mind.
With that, I say thank you so much for tuning in
today. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I hope
you will be kinder to yourself in everything
you do. Until the next episode, this is
Preeti, your host signing off and
saying Stay blessed.