Om Shanti Mantra - The Transformative Practice of Silence
You must have heard that silence is golden.
But today, I wanna ask you, what does that silence
include? Does it only include
the silence of our voice, our words? What
if it also included the other small
and big sounds that we create in our day to day
lives? Like the sound of placing your coffee cup on the table,
like the sound of the keyboard clattering every time you're working
on your laptop, are the screeching sound of your chair being dragged
back every time you want to get up? What if we try
to live without creating any of these sounds,
what if we try to live in pure
silence? How golden would that
silence be? Namaste and welcome to yet
another episode of Mahakatha meditation mantras.
I'm your host, Preeti. And in this episode, we are
talking about silence. The
beauty of silence is that it is a perfectly
acceptable expression of any emotion,
a response to any emotion.
So silence has every emotion in it.
You can be silent in anger. You can be silent out of
fear, out of shock, out of joy, out of
excitement, out of love, out of hatred,
or out of longing, silence
holds every emotion in it
and yet it is also empty
of all emotions, there is no expression
in silence. Silence in this way
Is distancing yourself from emotions.
It is refusing to express. Refusing
to participate. To repeat and the very fact that it holds
the possibility of any emotion within it
and still is empty of all emotions
is the beauty of silence. And it
seems very easy to simply stop talking. It
seems like it engages very few muscles in our body,
and it takes just one decision to simply stop
talking, to simply be silent. But it
is much harder as we all know from our own experience
to maintain this silence, to maintain this
restraint and mastery over our voice and our words
and our expression. One small
trigger, one small meaningless
trigger is enough to shake us out of
the silence. It takes a lot of effort
and if you actually tried to even be silent
in everything you do like working on
your laptop or drawing the curtains or moving
the chair back, as I mentioned, that would take
much more effort and we would fail at that in
multiple ways. But here's the deal.
Even if we simply try to do this,
even if we try to be completely,
purely silent for a day or even for an
hour. We would be changed from within.
Here's what would happen if you observed complete
silence for a day. The first thing to
happen would be that all your aggressive emotions,
your anger, your resentment, your anxiety
would all be confused and restless, and they
would eventually come down. That's
because without the outlet of your words or your
physical actions, these emotions will get,
like I said, restless. Typically, they will want to
shatter things and scream and cry, but when
you decide to practice silence, total
pure silence, this aggression of
your emotions, this sharpness will
melt and soften and water down
to their underlying emotions. Anger
will melt down and water down to perhaps
pain. Aggression will water down to
just disappointment and anxiety
will perhaps melt down to a form of acceptance
and your mind and body will learn that you can control
your actions. You can control your words. Your mind and
body will learn that it is possible to take
a break from doing, from acting on your feelings
and your thoughts and impulses. Because right now a
lot of us do things and say things out of compulsion.
And then we say things like I don't know why I said that. I
don't know why I did that. I'm so sorry. But by trying to
practice pure silence, we teach our
mind and our body that we can take a
break from acting on our feelings and our thoughts.
You will also discover and learn how to love
silently and it is more challenging than you might
think. You will learn to love
gently, to love with kindness, to love
without being totally dependent on someone or having to
seek validation from someone. You will
also learn how to be a gentler person to
cause the least amount of friction or disruption and to
care for the smallest things. To pay attention to the
smallest things while you perform the simplest tasks -
how you place a cup on a table, how
you pull the curtains together, how you move
the chair backwards with the least amount
of friction or disruption. This
paying attention to the smallest things is what
we call mindfulness. And
most of all you will find out for yourself that
silence is really worth it. That
the sages and the scholars and the gurus are not
exaggerating it. Silence really is
powerful. When you experience it for
yourself, when you try to practice pure silence
yourself, you will discover that you can think better
when you are silent. You will find that you can work better.
You can find more clarity. You can express
better, you can relax better. And
despite all your imperfections, you will feel
better about yourself and your life right now.
It's not easy but it is worth
a try. All of this by simply
trying to practice whole
pure silence. So if you're with
me on this experiment, this experiment of
being a silent participant in
the universe, I want you to try and practice as
much of this as you can in the next few days. Try to
be quiet at everything you do. Try to
preserve your voice and slow down your actions
as much as you can. I know there will be exceptions you will
have to make while trying to practice this at work, for
example, but otherwise try to practice
pure silence every chance you get and
then observe the changes that take place in your thoughts.
Observe the places your mind goes to and the
strange peace that you feel.
Speaking about silence and peace and
power, today, I introduce to you
the Om Shanti
Mantra. This mantra literally means
Shanti or peace. It is an invocation
a summoning of peace within us
and around us and that's why it goes so
well with the practice of pure silence.
This mantra is such that it will automatically
have a softening effect on you and your emotions
Within the 1st few seconds for some people, it has
softened their aggressive emotions, their pain,
their anger, the restlessness and it
has made the mind open up to
more peace and clarity. The Om Shanti
mantra is something that you can adopt into your
life as an affirmation just like many of
our listeners have and every time you find yourself
feeling triggered or getting riled up or feeling impulsive
or about to say or do something that you normally wouldn't
want to say or do, simply chant this mantra
in your mind once, thrice,
7 times or how many ever times you feel like
and feel a sense of calmness and
silence wash over you. I would
really love for you to have this mantra and to
try to achieve pure silence with this
mantra. If you'd like to avail this mantra
now, You can get it at a 30% discount
simply by using the code mentioned in the description of this
episode. Try it along with our
experiment that we discussed today and let me know how
it goes. That brings us towards the end of
today's topic, today's episode. And before I
leave you, I want to thank you once again for
making this podcast what it is today. For embracing
the wishes and the prayers and the intentions of the Mahakatha
meditation mantras podcast. If you're enjoying the episodes,
please take a minute to leave me a review and let me know
what you love most about this podcast. I'm looking
forward to another year of covering meaningful themes
and discussing and implementing wonderful spiritual
experiments in our lives. So please do drop
me a review and I will see you again next week with
a brand new episode and a mantra. Until then, stay