Somasuryaagni Lochanaaya Mantra - Channeling the Energy of Shiva's Third Eye
What would it be like to have a third
eye like Lord Shiva? And though the human
body is destined to be blessed only with two eyes,
what if there was a way to experience and see
through the third eye ourselves?
Let's talk about that and how it mysteriously
connects to an ancient indian ritual. Will, before
I share the mantra of this week with you, so
welcome, dear listener, to yet another brand new
episode of the Mahagatha Meditation Mantras
podcast. I'm your host, Preeti, and this is the
third consecutive week we are dedicating
to Lord Shiva his symbolism
and what we humans can derive from it.
One of the first things you learn about Lord Shiva
and his powers is his third eye.
You learn how this unique feature in the
center of his forehead is the vision that can
perceive things that are otherwise
invisible. The eyes are a way of
screening through a person's
presence, a person's words, a person's
actions, seeing through the outer facade
that exists in this physical world and
being able to understand the intention
and the bare truth that exists
in that soul. This outwardly
vision, this outwardly superpower, is
only half the power of Shiva's third eye,
the ability to look at something and
understand the core of its existence.
Lord Shiva used his third eye to
detect evil, to detect possible
harm, to cut through illusion, and thus
protect all that is good in the universe.
The second half of that power comes
from the fact that the third eye is also
known as the inner eye because
just like it can project outwards and detect
truth and illusion, good intentions and
bad intentions, it can also
project inwards and help us
glance into the code of our own existence,
separate our own truth from our illusions,
our own light from our darkness,
our own good from our own evil.
This inner eye is known to be an energy
chakra, the third eye chakra, or the
ajna chakra, the wheel of
tremendous, untamed,
powerful, continuous energy
that flows to us and through us,
making our lives possible. And
like the other chakras in our body, if the
third eye energy is either in
overflow or is blocked, we will
experience either an overwhelm of
detachment from this physical world,
or we would be unable to tell truth from
illusion, and we might get carried away from our
path of good to the path of
evil without even knowing it. The
third eye is the light through which we
look inside. Now I bring you back to the question I
asked at the beginning of this episode. What
would it be like to have Shiva's third
eye right here in the center
of our forehead? What would it be like
to have that eye ready to open and guide
us towards truth, towards what is good,
and help us stay on the path of our life
purpose. What would it be like if we
could look at something and understand it
instead of reacting to it and within
us? What would it be like to have this
third eye tell us bluntly,
clearly and honestly,
what part of our intentions and thoughts and beliefs are
good? What part of it serves our intention
and our path? And what part of it
doesn't? We may not have Shiva's
third eye, but what if we had a way to screen
our beliefs, our intentions, our
dreams, our endless train of everyday
thoughts that keep repeating themselves? What if we could
screen these thoughts so that one by one,
everything that doesn't serve us or leads
us astray will just fall through?
And the only thoughts and beliefs and intentions that remain
within us are pure? If this could
happen, my dear listener, it would completely
change your life, wouldn't it? It
would completely change the way you think, the way you speak,
the way you act, the way you hold
yourself, the way you believe in yourself,
the dreams that you dare to pursue, and your attitude
towards the obstacles that stand in between.
Having this ability to activate
our inner divine awareness, our ability
to keep our third eye open, would
be the best gift that we can receive
and use in our lives. And while
tools like meditation can help us activate a
fraction of that power within us,
that would perhaps be the greatest wish we could
have for ourselves.
My prayer for you would be, may
your inner eye, your third eye,
always be open for you, ready
to guide you and protect you and keep you
away from everything that is evil or
harmful or unfavorable.
May your third eye, your ajna
chakra, always be in
balance. May you at all times be
aware of your own inner light and your
darkness, your own inner truth and your illusions,
your own inner good and
evil. That would be my
greatest wish for you. Especially if you are going through a
very challenging time, if you're going through a lot of struggles in
different aspects of your life, whether it is financial,
personal, professional, I would wish for
you to harness the power of your third
eye. And remember, I hinted about this
ancient indian tradition that is tied to
the third eye. This tradition and
its significance is absolutely beautiful
because it is a ritual that literally
symbolizes my prayer for you.
And this ritual is the application of
a tilak or a sacred dot
or line on the forehead, right between
the eyes. You must have seen this or
experienced this in hindu tradition,
that on important occasions or right before
stepping out for something important, an
elder typically an elder in the family will
apply a fragrant paste
on your forehead. It could either be the red vermilion
paste or it could be the very soothing
sandalwood paste. Someone would typically
take this paste between their fingers and
apply it on the spot that is right above and in the middle
of both your eyes on your forehead, either as a
dot or as a long vertical or horizontal
line. Guess what this mark stands
for? Yes, this is a way of
marking your third eye. This is a way of
reminding you of your third eye, of your inner eye
that sees all. And it is a reminder for
you of that fraction of power that you
derive from Lord Shiva. When someone
applies this tilak for you, they are praying
for your third eye to be activated and for
your inner light to shine through it and destroy any
obstacles that come in the way of your
purpose. Right from the mothers
of gods in stories of mythology, to
the mothers or gurus of kings in
indian history, or to someone who visits a
temple on a special occasion, even
down to the little child that is about to
go to school for a very important exam,
everyone is lovingly given this
symbolic gift of Atilak, this
wonderful reminder of one's own power.
Isn't that beautiful? Speaking of such powerful
symbolism and speaking of one's own inner light,
I would now like to introduce to you the mantras
of this week. This is a chant that
calls Shiva's name, referring to
him as the one with three eyes.
Shiva is known by thousands of names
and typically his names are either chanted
in 108 or 1008 or
more increments like these, and this one
chant is based on one such powerful
name dedicated to his eyes.
The mantra is the Soma Suryagni
Lochana mantra. The
soma surya agni
Lochana. The mantra equates the
two seeing eyes of Lord Shiva as the
moon as the sun and the
third eye as fire. It is a
simple mantra to meditate with, a simple
mantra to chant, and if you can practice
it a few times every day, especially if you're
going through a difficult time, and as you practice,
if you can close your eyes and visualize
your own inner eye being activated,
you might just open your eyes to a
slightly different, slightly more
enlightened version of you. If you don't have
this mantra with you already, you can avail this mantra
at a 30% discount using the coupon code mentioned
in the description of this episode. Try this mantras
and tell me how it works for you. You can either write to
me at or describe
it in your comments as you leave a review for this
podcast. And if you are among the listeners who have already
graced us with your heartening reviews,
this is me on air, thanking you immensely for
your love and listenership. With that in mind, dear
listener, we come to the end of this episode. I hope you
enjoyed it. I hope that since we've invoked the name of
Shiva the rest of your day, the rest of your week may
be full of light and joy and
peace. Now I'm off to continue
preparing some wonderful Mahashivratri surprises for
you, dear listener. So I will return next week
with a brand new theme and mantras just for
you. In the meantime, stay blessed.