Surya Namaskara Mantra - Embracing the Power of Serendipity
A couple of days ago, I happened to visit the city of
Mumbai, which is known as the city of dreams, the
city of opportunities. And even though I loved
every aspect of spending time in such a
bustling city, the absolute favorite part of
my trip was accidentally visiting
a tiny shop somewhere down the crowded
market lane in Mumbai. It was a
small little shop and it was so crowded you could almost
miss it. So what was so special
about this specific shop? Let me tell you more about
it in today's episode. So Namaste,
and welcome, dear listener, to Mahakatha meditation
mantras. I'm your host Preeti, And today,
I'm sharing something personal. Like I said, I was in
Mumbai for work and among all the
glitz and glam and beauty and survival of the city,
my favorite spot to visit, the most unforgettable
spot was a tiny little shop in the middle of
a crowded market. Now under normal circumstances,
I wouldn't have entered such a small shop. It was selling
clothes and I had no intention of of buying any clothes.
But for some reason, probably because there was some
air conditioning in there, on that very hot day
outside, I decided to step in
and my family followed. And I was instantly
grateful to the universe for leading me to
that exact shop at that exact
time. Because soon after I entered
the shop, I noticed that something was playing
in the background on the speakers inside the shop.
It wasn't very loud but it was very familiar.
So I really leaned in close
to try and figure out what was playing on the speaker.
But after a few seconds of careful listening,
what I heard made my heart
sing. In that tiny little
shop, the music that was playing in the
background was our very own
Om Japa Kusuma mantra. I was
listening to listening, to Mahakatha
in the most unexpected place, in the most
unexpected way. And even though I didn't know the
shopkeeper by any chance, even though I didn't
even walk up to him and tell him who I was
or what that music signified. I stood there
quietly and took in the joy of the
moment, that wonderful feeling
of knowing that my life's work
is being loved and embraced by listeners
even in places that I can never reach.
That feeling, that moment was incredibly
humbling and almost divine.
And while I silently thanked and blessed
the listener of that mantra in that store,
today I turn to you, dear listener,
to silently thank and bless you
for continuing to be a part of our journey,
for making our mantras a part of your daily
life. Thank you so much for
taking me with you to places that I
may never visit, that I could never even
dream of visiting. Thank you for carrying me
with you to work. Thank you for keeping me with
you in your beautiful home, in your beautiful
meditation rooms, in all your safe spaces,
and thank you for giving me a place in your
heart. It means the world to me. And
if you have a favorite mantra and a story,
a personal story that you'd like to share about Mahakatha,
then please head over to our website and share your story.
Share your experience. You can either do it in text
or you can even share a video. And I would love
to know what your favorite mantra is. For
that shopkeeper, the Om Japa Kusuma mantra,
the Surya mantra meant something. That
person was probably using the mantra to usher
in a sense of peace and positive vibes,
into his place of work. Mantras about the
sun or the sun god can truly have
that effect on any space. They can bring a
sense of clarity and a sense of
cleansing. And today I'm here to
offer you a special discount on yet
another surya mantra, one that I recorded a
really long time ago. This mantra
is comprised of 12 small chants,
each of which are a different and unique name
given to the sun or the sun god.
And though this mantra is traditionally practiced
while practicing the surya namaskar and yoga
or the sun salutation as some of us know it.
You can use this mantra To simply
practice deep breathing, practice mindfulness
and calmness every morning.
So please go ahead, use the discount code you'll see in the
description of this episode and start listening
to the Surya Namaskara mantra.
Your mornings will never be the same.
With that and with a heart brimming with gratitude,
we come to the close of today's episode. Thank you so
much for tuning in. I loved sharing this personal story.
I hope you enjoyed hearing it as well. I'm
gonna be back next week with another episode and another
mantra. Until then, take care and stay blessed.